This page will generate a customized & minified version of the PluginDetect script (v0.9.0) for you in several easy steps.
(Note: the unminified source code is given at the bottom of this page.)

1) Select the checkboxes below to choose which PLUGINS to include in the PluginDetect script.

2) Select the checkboxes below to choose which JAVASCRIPT METHODS to include in the PluginDetect script.

[pluginName = (string) plugin name such as . The pluginName string is case insensitive.]

3) Select the checkboxes below to choose which EXTRA FEATURES to include in the PluginDetect script.

Output Script

4) Press the "Create Script" button (shown above) to generate your customized PluginDetect script.
[To reduce the size of the script, you might want to deselect either the "PluginDetect.getVersion" or "PluginDetect.isMinVersion" option before pressing the "Create Script" button. Doing so, however, will reduce the amount of info that PluginDetect reveals about any given plugin.]

5) To save the script, you can either:
a) press the "Save" button (shown above) and save in a Javascript file,      OR
b) click on the script to select it, copy the script, paste into an editor, and save as a Javascript file

6) The script is already minified. However, you may make the script slightly smaller if you use the Google Closure Compiler.

7) Be sure to look at the instructions on how to use PluginDetect.

8) You may download the unminified source code for the full library here and here and here. This step is optional, since it is not needed in order for you to perform plugin detection.

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